Friday, 3 October 2008

Now don't get me wrong, I can see that smoking is a pretty stupid thing to do. That's the ex-smoker in me talking. I quit after 26 years of caning them. I'm proud of that fact, although it had more to do with the drug Zyban than any great will power on my behalf, I can't even open a bag of Haribo without scoffing the lot, but this new campaign is too much. It's just bullying, plain and simple.
Maybe we could start putting pictures of car wrecks on cars? yeah or rotten livers on bottles of Cotes du Rhone ? or how about pictures of fucking bankers on loan applications.............................
It's nice though to think that photography still has the power to shock.


  1. No, its not "bullying", you're just talking shit lad. What it is, is education.

  2. wh aren't my comments here i have more to say than this muppet

  3. Why worry? you are already making yourself so clearly understood...........
