Tuesday, 2 September 2008

Henry Iddon

Image copyright Henry Iddon

Once you get over the strange and "clunky" website design http://www.spots-of-time.co.uk/map.php You start to discover impressive landscape photographs of The Lake District by Blackpool based photographer Henry Iddon. Landscape photography especially of somewhere so over photographed as the lakes is not something that would usually register on my radar, but depending on whose review of the series "Spots of Time" you read, there is something more interesting going on than just another set of romantic pictorial images of one of England's most popular tourist spots.

These are no longer pristine natural wildernesses as they were in Wordsworth's day.They are now peppered with the glow of towns and villages. They appear like cultures forming on a petra dish, they prevent the viewer from ever finding an escape here from the onslaught of modern, overcrowded British life, and it's this, that for me, makes this work interesting. Iddon talks about the work at the next Redeye networking meet in Manchester on the 9th September 2008, start time is 6.30pm, drinks and networking from 6.00pm. The venue is: Manchester Digital Development Agency Lower Ground Floor 117-119 Portland Street ManchesterM1 6ED

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