Tuesday, 3 June 2008

Charlie Meecham

From the series "The Oldham Road" 1986-8 copyright Charlie Meecham
God what a place Manchester Polytechnic (now MET) Photography department must have been in the early 70's! It must have been buzzing. If anyone knows who was running the show in those days I would love to know! Martin Parr, Daniel Meadows, from yesterdays post Kate Mellor, and featured here today Charlie Meecham. http://www.mellormeecham.co.uk/charliemeecham/front.html There is some great landscape/Documentary projects carried out over the last thirty years or so over on his site.

Charlie together with Kate Mellor also run Mellormeecham Handprinting which is based in Todmorden, Lancs http://www.mellormeecham.co.uk/index.html and offer some quality services to artist's, so anyone, like me, who is still reeling from the loss of Pro2Col may find this the answer.

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