Friday, 11 April 2008

Anne Collier at Openeye

Image copyright Anne Collier
News letter from Openeye Gallery
Current exhibition
Anne Collier
11 April 08 - 24 May 08
Open Eye Gallery is proud to present the first solo exhibition in a UK public gallery of work by New York based artist Anne Collier.
Over the past decade Collier has created a body of work that investigates the role of photographs in contemporary culture. She takes images from everyday popular culture - 1970s posters, art magazines and record sleeves - and re-presents them in the white space of the gallery. Often re-photographing existing photographs - making images of images - Collier meditates on the nature of images and our ways of seeing them. Her formal, rigorous compositions hint at the stories of her own life, in what has been described as a kind of 'deflected self-portraiture'. She also investigates the wider world of images that we inhabit, reminding us that every photograph is a material object with its own history or 'biography'. Pointing up hidden nuances of power and gender relations, her work is laced with irony and dry humour. She explores our closeness to images, pointing out that we are entangled with them in ways that we rarely stop to consider.

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