It's happened again. I've stumbled across a photographer who's work I've fallen in love with, and I haven't stopped looking at for the last couple of days. I can't remember how I came across him either. I should have known about him before, his work is important, and as good landscape/documentary work as I have seen. Brian Rose studied with Joel Meyerowitz and Larry Fink. His work in the 80's documented a Lower east side that during the 90's was to lose much of it's character, as can be seen when he re-photographed it between 2003/07.
In 1985 he turned his attention to photographing "The Iron Curtain" creating the most complete photographic document of this border, which has now been published as "The lost Border" http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/1568984936/thelostborder
Much of Brian's work can be seen here: http://www.brianrose.com/ You see this is one of the reasons why the Internet is really really great, finding work like this...............
Hi Mark, I came to the talk last night and am trying to get in touch with you. Please could you drop me a mail at alex@piratemedia.net